Find a local access number

Check out's Access Numbers to see if we have a local number in your area, works hard to ensure we have local access numbers in most cities. Besides searching by area code we also recommend checking by state to identify any other area codes that might be local call. In certain areas uses different exchanges that are reserved for ISPs only so they may not be known by the local phone company (right away) or show up in the phone book. Feel free to call us if you have a question about a number.

If you are unsure if a specific number is local, here are some steps for finding out:

Check out the consumer guide section of your white pages to find out what is local in your calling area. Please note, however, that new area codes and/or exchanges can be added mid-year that may not appear.

Call your local telephone company's customer service line (not the operator) with the number in question and they should be able to confirm if it is local for you.

Use your telephone company's website to verify local numbers. Example: AT&T local calling page.

Use this handy Local Calling Guide that is available to everyone. The information included is not guaranteed to be accurate so always double check with your phone company to be certain.

Change your access number. Follow the instructions in this article to change to the new number you located.

Remember: The customer is responsible for choosing a local, toll-free access number. is not responsible for any long distance or telephone company charges!