Set Up Google Workspace email - iPhone or iPad

Requires iOS7 or higher:

To set up your G Suite account to sync your email, contacts, and calendar, do the following:
  1. On your device's home screen, tap the Settings button.
  2. Tap Passwords & Accounts then tap Add Account.
  3. Select Google.

  4. Enter email address, and password. Click Next when finished.
  5. Make sure all options are set to On and click Save.

  6. Press the Home button to return to your home screen and open the Mail app:

  7. If you have multiple mailboxes, you can easily switch between accounts by click the Account Description in the upper left corner of the Mail app.

  8. Your Contacts and Calendar apps will also sync with your account. You can set your default Calendar and Contacts accounts by going to the Settings app and select Mail, Contacts, and Calendars, and scroll down to the settings for each.