This article features suggestions on managing your data consumption in Netflix, YouTube, iTunes, and Hulu.
- Cable Internet & Mobile Hotspot users: check usage by signing into the Start Page:
Windows users can also lower data consumption by setting their wireless to a metered connection.
Windows 8
To adjust playback settings, navigate to your account and click Playback Settings. This will allow you to reduce the amount of data you consume when playing movies and TV shows on Netflix.
IMPORTANT: You will need to check these settings for EACH user profile you have set up.
There are 4 data usage settings to choose from:
- Low (uses up to 0.3 GB per hour)
- Medium (uses up to 0.7 GB per hour) RECOMMENDED
- High (uses up to 1 GB per hour, up to 2.8 GB per hour if watching HD, or up to 7 GB per hour if watching Ultra HD)
- Auto (adjusts itself automatically to deliver the highest possible quality, based on your current internet connection speed)
See Netflix's Internet Connection Speed Recommendations for more information about how fast your connection must be to stream in each quality level.
To lower the quality of the videos from Youtube, go to your Settings page and select I have a slow connection. Never play higher-quality video.
Click on the save button to save your settings.
Alternatively you can selectively lower the quality of specific videos by following these steps:
- Click on the gear icon on the bottom right hand corner of the video.

- Next, click on the box next to Quality to see the available qualities for the playing video.

- Next, select the quality you want to play the video in.

When purchasing or renting a video, select SD rather than HD. This will cause your download to be smaller in addition to being cheaper.
Click on the gear in the bottom right hand corner of the screen while a video is playing. From here you can select the video quality. If you are signed into your account it does appear that this setting is remembered for your account.
Article ID: 433, Created: 1/30/2014 at 4:39 PM, Modified: 2/24/2023 at 10:54 AM