Navigating My Account

Updates to billing information and contact information can be made by logging into My Account, located at the top of the Start PageMy Account provides members with secure, hassle-free access to change their payment type, personal information, and to view billing statements 24 hours a day.

Log into My Account with the main username and password for your account, then choose from the following:
What would you like to do?
Update your personal information.Update your payment information.Make a payment.Make an annual payment.View your monthly statements.View your usage statistics.Cancel your account.

To update your personal information:
  1. On the left menu, under Account, select Contact Info.
  2. Update your information as needed.
  3. After updating your personal information, click the Save button.

To update your payment information:  

  1. On the left menu, under Billing, select Make/Update Payment.
  2. If you wish to enter new information for a credit card or electronic check, click on Update Payment Method and enter in the new card information, and when finished select Submit.

To make a payment:

  1. On the left menu, under Billing, select Make/Update Payment
  2. Click Make A Payment in the Current Balance section.
  3. Choose your payment method, then select Continue.
  4. Enter payment information and select Pay Next Month's Balance.
  5. Click Submit Payment.

To make an Annual Payment Online:
  1. On the left menu, under Billing, select Make/Update Payment.
  2. Click Make A Payment in the Current Balance section.
  3. Choose your payment method, then select Continue.
  4. Enter payment information and select Annual Payment.
  5. Click Submit Payment.

To view your monthly statements online:  

  1. On the left menu, under Billing, select Statements.
  2. The current month's statement will be displayed.
  3. To view past month's statements, use the drop-down option and click on the month you wish to view.
  4. If you'd like a hard copy of the billing statement, select Print This Page to print the billing statement to your printer. 

To view your usage statistics:  

  1. As soon as you log in to My Account, click the usage link under Your Services.

 To cancel your account:
  1. On the Home page, Select cancel next to the desired plan under Your Services.
  2. Select which services you wish to cancel, then click ContinueIf you decide to keep some services you will be redirected to another page. Review the message from to determine if another service plan would fit your needs.
  3. If you wish to continue with cancellation, please provide any feedback you feel would be useful to
  4. Click Cancel My Account.
  5. Make note of your cancellation confirmation number for future reference.

Please Note: Your account has not been canceled by visiting this page - you must perform all the steps above.