A connection to TOAST.net has been established, but web pages and email are inaccessible.
- If you are running any security/antivirus software that uses a firewall, try adjusting the firewall settings. If your firewall is set incorrectly, web page content may be blocked. If the firewall software is malfunctioning, try uninstalling your security software and then reinstall it.
- Remove and recreate the dial-up connection: http://support.toast.net/KB/a169/manual-connection-settings.aspx
- If running Internet Explorer 7 or 8, try resetting the browser:
- Under Control Panel, open Internet Options, then select the Advanced tab.
- Click the Reset button at the bottom of the page. This will disable any add-ons, most infections, and other modifications that could prevent browsing.
- Click OK when complete and test the connection.
- Run the Restore Utility for WinXP, ME, Vista, or Windows 7:
- Go to Start -> (All) Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. Choose Restore my computer to an earlier time and click Next.
- Choose a date that is early enough to predate the time the issue began.
- Click Next and continue to click through the process until the computer reboots itself. Test the connection when complete.
If the above steps fail, try restoring the computer's network settings:
Windows XP:
- Click on Start in the Run window, type CMD.
- At the Command Prompt type: netsh int ip reset all and hit Enter.
- At the Command Prompt type: netsh winsock reset and hit Enter.
- Reboot the computer and test the connection.
Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1:
- Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories, right click on the Command Prompt icon, and select Run As Administrator.
- Click Continue if prompted with a security message.
- At the Command Prompt type: netsh int ip reset all and hit Enter.
- At the Command Prompt type: netsh winsock reset and hit Enter.
- Reboot the computer and test the connection.
If the above solutions fail to resolve the issue, please have the computer serviced.
Article ID: 184, Created: 12/16/2009 at 11:55 AM, Modified: 1/8/2020 at 4:29 PM