Overdrive Pro - Update PRL

Follow these steps to update the PRL on a Sprint Overdrive Pro mobile hotspot.
[NOTE: this can only be done with an activated/working device with decent signal strength

  1. Make sure the hotspot is powered on.
  2. Connect to the hotspot over Wi-Fi using your laptop, tablet, iPad, etc.
  3. Open a browser and type http://sprinthotspot in the address bar (doesn't work with TOAST.net Accelerator). Alternatively, go to
  4. Type the word password in the password box and click OK (see red box).

  5. At top of screen click on the Advanced Settings button.

  6. On the WAN tab, click the left button Update 3G PRL (not the right button 3G Profile).

  7. Click the Update Now button on the dialog box.

  8. Wait for the Update in progress... screen to complete. This can take several minutes.

  9. The 'Update complete' screen should eventually appear, click Close.  If "Update Failed', this process may need to be performed in area with better signal.

  10. Navigate to the Device> About tab and check for PRL version: 61156.  This version seems to be what OverdrivePro's are getting when updated.