Your DSL connection
quality depends greatly on the amount of signal your DSL modem can
'hear' over your phone line. Much like a radio trying to pull in a
distant station, if your DSL signal is weak or has interference,
your connection may drop.
You can check the quality of your DSL signal by logging into your
modem's control panel. If signal problems are detected, follow the steps HERE to
attempt to correct them.
- Go to the address
- On the left menu, click Expert
Mode, then click the "Yes" button to enter Expert Mode.
- On the left menu click Statistics,
then click DSL.
- Your line statistics
will be listed on the right.

- Go to the address
- When prompted, enter:
Username: admin
Password: admin
- On the left menu,
click Expert Mode, then click the "Yes"
button to enter Expert Mode.
- At the top of the
screen, click the Troubleshoot button.
- On the menu on the
left, click System
- A box with a lot of
options will be shows. In the DSL category, click Statistics.
- Your line statistics
will be listed on the bottom of the screen.

- Go to the address
- When prompted, enter:
Username: admin
Password: zoomadsl
- At the top of the
screen, click the ADSL
STATUS button.
- Your line stats will
be displayed on the main screen.

- Go to the address
- On the left menu,
click Expert Mode, then click the "Yes"
button to enter Expert Mode.
- On the left menu
click Statistics, then click DSL.
- Your line statistics
will be listed on the right.

- Go to the address
- When prompted, enter:
Username: admin
Password: password
- The modem may check
for a firmware update. Wait for it to complete.
- On the left menu, click Router
- In the center section,
scroll down to the bottom and click the Show
Statistics button.
- Your line statistics
will be listed on in a pop-up window.

Article ID: 373, Created: 5/17/2013 at 3:50 PM, Modified: 6/3/2013 at 11:43 AM