Google Workspace Business Management

Add domains and domain aliases
On the Domain names page, you can add additional domain names to your G Suite account. You can add them as separate domains or as domain aliases for your primary domain following these instructions.
Add email aliases
Every user has a primary email address, which is the email address created when the user's account was created and the address used to log into G Suite. G Suite enables to you create additional email aliases for a user. Follow these instructions on how to create email aliases. 
Add user accounts
Before users can sign in and access a G Suite account, they need a user account. You can add them using the Google Admin console following these instructions.
Delete user accounts
If a user leaves your organization, you might want to delete their G Suite account. This destroys all the user's mail messages, and they'll no longer be able to sign in to G Suite. Other data is purged within a matter of days. To delete user accounts follow these instructions.
Reset a users password
If a user forgets their password, or if you think their account's security might have been compromised, you can reset the user's password using these instructions.