Checking Network Connection + Connected Devices
Open a browser and type in top address bar: and hit Enter or Go
[ if prompted to login the username is: admin and password is: attadmin ]
Left column shows if Nighthawk is connected to the Internet, and if any devices connected.
View Serial Number and Hotspot Info
Click on "SETTINGS" at top of page
View WiFi Username and Password
Then click on "Setup" on left menu bar, and select "Wireless" sub-menu.
This will show Wi-Fi info (SSID and wifi password) for both 2.4 and 5.0 Ghz.
Check Connection Status
Click on "AT&T Wi-Fi Status" on left menu bar to see the overall status of the Nighthawk.
Factory Reset Info
*** ONLY if a Reset is required, click on "Administration" in left menu bar, and select "Factory Reset" sub-menu.
Press the "Reset Defaults" blue button. This will rename the Wi-Fi name to AT&T defaults.
Article ID: 593, Created: 2/25/2021 at 11:30 AM, Modified: 2/25/2021 at 4:01 PM