Don't Let Slow Internet Get You Down: How to Conduct a Speed Test

If you're experiencing slow internet speeds, it's important to conduct a speed test to diagnose the issue. A speed test measures your internet connection's speed and can help you determine if you're getting the speeds you're paying for from your internet service provider (ISP). In this article, we'll provide tips on how to properly conduct a speed test using popular speed test sites like and

  1. Choose a Reliable Speed Test Site

There are a number of speed test sites available online, but not all of them are reliable. We recommend using or, as these sites are widely recognized as trustworthy and accurate. Both sites are free and easy to use.

  1. Close Other Programs and Devices

When conducting a speed test, it's important to close any other programs and streaming services that may be using the internet. This is because the bandwidth that these programs use can impact your test results, leading to inaccurate measurements.

For example, if you're streaming a movie or TV show on Netflix while running a speed test, the bandwidth that Netflix is using will be subtracted from the total bandwidth available to your device. This can lead to lower speed test results than what you might expect.

Similarly, if you're downloading a large file or playing online games while running a speed test, these activities can also impact your results. For accurate results, it's best to close all other programs and services that use the internet before running a speed test.

  1. Connect to Your Network

When conducting a speed test, it's important to be connected to your Wi-Fi network. If you're using a wired connection, make sure you're connected directly to your modem or router. Avoid conducting speed tests on public Wi-Fi networks or cellular data networks, as these can affect your results.

  1. Conduct the Speed Test

Once you're connected to your network and have closed other programs and devices, you're ready to conduct the speed test. Open or in your web browser, and click the "Go" or "Start" button to begin the test. The speed test will measure your internet connection's download and upload speeds, as well as your ping. 

When conducting a speed test, it's important to run the test multiple times in various locations. This will provide you with a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of your internet speed. Running the test multiple times will also help you identify any fluctuations or inconsistencies in your speed, which can help you diagnose any potential issues. Additionally, using another device to run the speed test can be beneficial. This is because different devices can have different network adapters and capabilities, which can affect the test results. For example, a newer device may have a faster network adapter than an older device, which can affect the test results. By running the speed test on multiple devices, you can get a more complete picture of your internet speed.

  1. Analyze the Results

After the speed test is complete, you'll be provided with your download and upload speeds, as well as your ping. These results can help you determine if you're getting the speeds you're paying for from your ISP. Compare your results to the speeds listed on your internet plan, and contact your ISP if your speeds are significantly lower than what you're paying for.

Factors that can affect your speed tests results include: 
  • Network Congestion: If many people are using the internet at the same time, it can and will slow down your internet speed. 
  • Distance from the test server: The farther away you are from the speed test server, the slower your speed may appear.
  • Wi-Fi signal strength: If you're using Wi-Fi, a weak signal can affect your speed test results.
  • Wired vs. wireless connection: A wired connection is generally faster and more stable than a wireless connection.
  • Time of day: Internet speeds can be slower during peak hours when more people are online.  

    In conclusion, conducting a speed test is an important step in diagnosing slow internet speeds. By choosing a reliable speed test site like or, closing other programs and devices, connecting to your network, conducting the speed test, and analyzing the results, you can determine if you're getting the speeds you're paying for from your ISP. If you're experiencing slow speeds, contact to troubleshoot the issue or inquire about a speed upgrade.