The Start Page brings all of the tools and services you would normally use onto one convenient page. It features quick access to your email, news, weather, stocks, games, shopping, search, account controls and more! To set the Start page as your home page, find your web browser and follow the steps.
Method #1
- Click and drag the start page link onto the home icon at the top left of your screen.
The home icon on your screen will look like this and is usually found at the top left of the browser window.
- After you have dragged and dropped the link onto the home button, you home page should then be set to the start page. Now whenever you click the home icon it will take you to the start page.
Method #2
Click the 3 vertical dots
in the top right Click Settings and scroll down to On Startup
Click "Open a specific page or set of pages" > Add a new page
Enter in the Site URL box > Add
Click Safari from the menu bar and select Preferences.
Change the address next to Home page to:
Close the Preferences window.
Close out of Safari - when you reopen Safari, your new start page will be set
Method #1
- Click and drag the start page link onto the home icon at the top left of your screen.
The home icon on your screen will look like this and is usually found at the top left of the browser window. 
- After you have dragged and dropped the link onto the home button, you home page should then be set to the start page. Now whenever you click the home icon it will take you to the start page.
Method #2
Click the Menu button
and then select Settings. Select "Start, home, and new tabs" from the list of options on the left-hand side of the window.
In the tab "When Edge Starts" select the option that says "Open these pages:"
Click "Add a new page" Type in the "Enter a URL" box followed by Add.
Close out of Edge - when you reopen Edge, your new start page will be set.
Click the Menu button
and then select Options. On the Options window, make sure the Home icon is selected.
Ensure "Homepage and new windows" is set to Custom URLs
Type in the "Paste a URL" box
Once you have the Home Page set, follow these instructions to customize your Start Page.
Article ID: 65, Created: 12/1/2009 at 2:34 PM, Modified: 3/1/2024 at 3:42 PM