Arris DG3450 Light Status Guide

Meaning of the Lights on the Arris DG3450 Modem/Router:

The DG3450 has two main lights on the front, an "Online" light, and a "Wi-FI" light, these are the lights that matter. You will also see a label for "Tel", this can be ignored.

Online Light: This is the light that tells you if you have an Internet Connection from your Internet Service Provider to the modem. 
  • Solid Green: The modem has an active internet connection.
  • Flashing Blue: The modem is powering up, trying to establish an internet connection.
  • Off: The modem is not receiving power, check connections, attempt a reboot.
See the table below for more details:

Wi-Fi Light: This is the light that shows if you have Active Wi-Fi Devices currently connected or not.
  • Solid Blue: Wi-Fi devices detected, but no traffic.
  • Flashing Blue: Wi-Fi devices connected with active traffic.
Please see table below for more details:

In conclusion, if the "Online" light is solid green, you should be able to use the internet, and if the "Wi-Fi" light is blinking, there are some devices already connected! If the "Online" light is continuing to flash after an extended period of time, please contact your Internet Service Provider for help.